Starting kernel ...
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
unionman private == 220
libphy: PHY himii:1f not found
CMD0 err 0
CMD0 err 0
CMD0 err 0
init: /init.bigfish.rc: 78: invalid option 'sdcard_r'
init: load loaderdb finish!
init: start set ro.product.model:MG100-U3
init: /dev/hw_random not found
init: cannot open '/initlogo.rle'
init: Start mount system t:1
init: End mount t:1
init: Start mount userdata t:1
init: firstboot:1
CMD0 err 0
init: End mount t:1
init: Start mount cache t:1
init: End mount t:1
init: Start mount keydata t:1
init: End mount t:1
init: /dev/hw_random not found
healthd: No charger supplies found
init: cannot find '/system/bin/rild', disabling 'ril-daemon'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/dbus-daemon', disabling 'dbus'
CMD0 err 0
init: cannot find '/system/etc/install-recovery.sh', disabling 'flash_recovery'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/frontPanel', disabling 'frontPanel'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/mtkbt', disabling 'blueangel'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/dtvserver', disabling 'dtvserver'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/gpio-led', disabling 'gpio-led'
init: cannot find '/system/bin/usb-driver', disabling 'usb-driver'
init: property 'sys.powerctl' doesn't exist while expanding '${sys.powerctl}'
init: powerctl: cannot expand '${sys.powerctl}'
init: property 'sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes' doesn't exist while expanding '${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}'
init: cannot expand '${sys.sysctl.extra_free_kbytes}' while writing to '/proc/sys/vm/extra_free_kbytes'
CMD0 err 0
----------------HAHAHAHHAHAHA aready modify
killiflytek.sh start
Bootrom start
Boot from eMMC
Failed to download boot! Please reset the board, try again. |